Description: gold plated base metal, rhinestones, enamelling
Marked: Des Pat Pend
Reference: There is no patent despite the mark. Mark, design, construction, and non-use of Sterling date this to 1938-42. Kathy Flood, Warman's Costume Jewelry Figurals, p. 92, pictured with a suggested name, two other items in the series (click thumbnail above to view), descriptions of two others, and a suggestion this was based on comic strip characters (though no such characters can so far be found). The book's suggestion that there was a Mazer patent for one of these items is certainly incorrect. See PPL70 for an additional item in the series Reference Links - ppl70
Condition: Excellent
Size: 2.75" x 1"
Price: US$775 ' - see our Sales Policies (link below) for any shipping charges
Please quote Item # ppl228 in your email
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